Devo prima di tutto dar seguito al post precedente, visto che il Cirque mi ha risposto a proposito della questione ladrocinio per acqua e caffè ed è decisamente il caso di dar loro atto di una discreta attenzione alle istanze dei clienti. Profitto per sottolineare l'importanza esponenziale che il far sentire la propria voce va acquistando nella nostra società e per spingere tutti a smetterla di passar le cose sotto silenzio. Che si protesti, quando è il caso, che diamine!!!
Cmq, ecco la corrispondenza. La mia mail:
I wish you were right in not considering a specific subject for criticism and dissatisfaction in your predefined list. As it is, I'm sorry to say that I think you're getting a bit too greedy for my liking. I do not object to ticket prices - your show is unique; I do not object to merchandise prices - things are unique and one is free to buy them. I strongly object to coffee, water and other refreshment prices. Perhaps you don't know it, but in Rome you can find excellent expressos for EUR 0.65 and small bottles of water for EUR 1, just outside your tent. I think that charging EUR 5.50 for a coffee (not even an expresso) and a glass of water is definitely robbing customers. It spoils the pleasure of your show and makes me wonder if I will return for your next performance.
La loro risposta:
Thank you very much for taking the time to give us your opinion; we value it. We are glad to see that your Cirque du Soleil experience was unique and that you enjoyed the performance.
As for your point about the price of food and beverages, it is truly something we are aware of. We knew it could be an issue for some market. Our main challenge is to get suppliers to provide us with good rates so we can charge less. As we are only in Rome for a short period, many companies were not able to give us competitive prices so we can match our menu rates with the rest of the city's establishments. We completely understand that paying 2.50EUR for a coffee that might not impress your taste buds can be aggravating and we will see what can be done for our future visit.
Once again, thank you for writing to us; you are directly contributing in the improvement of our operations. We hope to see you again when we come back to beautiful Roma.
Diamo a Cesare quel che è di Cesare e avanti! Visto il carattere misto del post registro con gioia animale che oggi è il secondo giorno di carcere di Cesare Previti (anche qui gli stiamo dando quel che gli compete
Un'altra delle cose cui vale attaccarsi è la seconda puntata delle
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