domenica 26 marzo 2006

The future teaches you to be alone
The present to be afraid and cold
So if I can shoot rabbits
Then I can shoot fascists

Bullets for your brain today
But we’ll forget it all again
Monuments put from pen to paper
Turns me into a gutless wonderManic Street Preachers Live

And if you tolerate this
Then your children will be next
And if you tolerate this
Then your children will be next
Will be next
Will be next
Will be next

Gravity keeps my head down
Or is it maybe shame
At being so young and being so vain

Holes in your head today
But I’m a pacifist
I’ve walked la ramblas
But not with real intent
And if you tolerate this
Then your children will be next
And if you tolerate this
Then your children will be next
Will be next
Will be next
Will be next
Will be next

And on the street tonight an old man plays
With newspaper cuttings of his glory days

And if you tolerate this
Then your children will be next
And if you tolerate this
Then your children will be next
Will be next
Will be next
Will be next

Come dice il Liga, a volte la radio sembra sapere chi sei e ti rinfresca la memoria, in accordo con le ultime emozioni. Questa avrebbe potuto fare il paio con Street  Fighting Man degli Stones sui titoli di coda di V per Vendetta di ieri. Manic Street Preachers per tenere bene a mente che c'è un limite a tutto e superarlo schiude prospettive indegne. E un ammiccamento alle strane vie della sincronicità junghiana

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